If you want to build a website, both domain and hosting are very important. However, you can usually buy a domain of your choice. The most important thing is the hosting. The better the hosting, the faster your website will load. The better the hosting, the more active your site will be. The better the hosting, the better the visitor or user experience of your website will be. So in today’s tune we will know in detail about website hosting. In today’s tune, what is web hosting? How many types of web hosting are there? We will discuss all these topics in detail. So, without further ado, let’s start with today’s blog
The most important thing in building a website is hosting. The better the hosting, the better the performance of your website. Web hosting is the place where all the data of the website such as text, images, media, etc. files are stored. In simpler terms, when you download a song or video to your phone, it is stored in your device’s memory. If you do not have enough memory, you will not be able to load the song or video. Then the device’s memory card will be required to load your song. Similarly, web hosting is an important thing to save or store all the data of your website in one place. Where all the data you upload is stored. What someone else will find when they search the internet later.
Hosting is a web server. Where all the data of a particular website is stored. All the data of a particular website is connected to each information on the web server by a unit number. When a visitor searches for these things on the Internet, the documents on the web server are served with specific access numbers. These numbers are called links. When a user clicks on that link, the web server displays that information or data to the visitor.
Those who sell website hosting are called hosting providers. Hosting providers manage their hosting services separately in terms of both price and quality. You get the same hosting quality or service for the hosting price you buy. Hosting services are divided into many categories to differentiate these hosting values. We will learn about hosting price and quality a little later. Before that, let’s know what are the types of hosting? Hosting is basically divided into 6 categories.
Most hosting companies basically offer the services discussed above. You may be familiar with all of these types of hosting. Which one is what? And you may not know how a service is created. Let’s take a little look at the topics discussed above. Then today’s tune will be easier for us.
If you buy full CPU from a hosting company, it is dedicated hosting. When you buy dedicated hosting, you get full RAM, full CPU, and full storage. If you want to buy dedicated hosting, you have to buy a CPU of a certain size. When you create a website using this hosting, this website will be updated at rocket speed. Your website loading speed will be super fast. However, if you want to buy this dedicated hosting or renew it every year, you will have to pay more than 1 lakh taka and renew it.
When an entire CPU is shared by many people, that hosting or web server is called shared hosting. Shared hosting allows a few or a few thousand people to use all the RAM and disk space. This can slow down the loading speed of your website. Sometimes the website may go down. If you get service from a good hosting provider, you will not have such a problem. Buying a 20 GB SSD shared hosting can cost about 4 thousand taka. Currently about 95% of the websites in Bangladesh are created through shared hosting.
When a dedicated hosting is purchased and several separate sub-machines or virtual machines are created, it is called VPS hosting. VPS hosting is similar to shared hosting, but the number of users here is not very large. Compared to shared hosting, the number of users of VPS hosting is comparatively much less. Due to this the loading speed of the website is much higher. If you want to buy VPS hosting or renew it every year, it can cost about 8 thousand taka.
Cloud hosting is used to open the same website domain from different locations or different servers. Let me clarify the matter a little more, suppose your website has visitors from three countries: Bangladesh, China and America. Due to this, sometimes the loading speed of the website may be slow when visitors from one country access the server of your website. Then you can easily solve this problem by using cloud hosting.
You can create the same web server for a particular website separately for different countries using cloud hosting. In this way, visitors from a particular country can access your website through the server of that country. This will increase the loading speed of your website comparatively a lot. Large online markets mainly use cloud hosting.
This is basically the same as shared hosting. However, it is both dedicated and shared. If you buy a web hosting or a complete space of a CPU and then share it with everyone, that is, sell it, then this hosting is called reseller hosting. Various hosting companies basically sell reseller hosting. They buy a complete CPU and then share it or sell it to anyone. Here they buy the whole part first and then divide and sell it, that is why this hosting is called reseller hosting.
The type of web hosting that large companies or organizations use is called managed hosting. This is where they use hosting and they manage the hosting for the users. To make it a little clearer, we all build websites with WordPress. However, WordPress is managed with its own hosting. Again, if we want, we can buy hosting from WordPress and build our own website. Here you should note that they are managed with their own hosting, and again, we can use their hosting service if we want. Basically, this type of hosting is called managed hosting.
Hosting is an important part of a website. So if you want to buy hosting for a website, you need to buy hosting from a good hosting provider. Otherwise, your website may go down at any time. There will also be problems like the website being slow. Here are some popular hosting providers from which you will not have to worry about the website going down when you buy hosting.
Popular hosting providers include:
Hosting providers usually offer different types of hosting:
Choose a plan based on your needs and budget.
Payment methods vary but typically include: